Is there a wholesale discount for bulk buying available?

Last updated 22/12/2019 3:56 PM

We do provide various quantity discounts on our products, the boundaries are generally set at 10, 50, 100 and 200 units, with discount increasing exponentially at each boundary.


For example, our Harry’s (all prices +VAT):

  • -10 @ £284.90 - Save £15.00
  • -50 @ £1,319.50 - Save £180.00
  • -100 @ £2,549.00 - Save £450.00
  • -200 @ £4,678.00 - Save £1,320.00


If you are interested in ordering over 200 units of any of our equipment, please do get in touch and we can talk numbers!


For the discounts on each product, please see our product pages: 

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