
for Harry Headphones

Charge up to 16 Harry Silent Disco headphones or Ned receivers at once with our 16-head mini-USB charge pack. Using just one plug socket, this multi-charger allows you to speed up your headphone recharge time in a quick and convenient way.More
  • Two year guarantee
  • 28 day return policy
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Same day dispatch
As low as £41.99 £41.99
16 headphones at once
Speed up the time it takes to charge your arsenal of headphones with our multi-chargers! 16 headphones can be charged at once from just one plug socket.
The Ultimate Charge
Reduce the amount of time it takes to recharge your Harry headphones by plugging 16 in at once from just one single plug socket, simple!
Easy & Simple
Simply plug one of the 16 mini-USB heads into each Harry headphone or Ned receiver, then plug in to the mains and off you pop to make a cup of tea!
Charge In 5 Hours
Compatible with our Harry Silent Disco Headphones and our Ned receivers, you'll be recharged and ready to hit the dance floor again within 5 hours!
More features
16 Mini USB Splitter
Splits a USB into 16 mini USB heads for charging.
Only 1 Power Socket
1 power socket will charge 16 headphones at 1 time reducing the amount of extension leads needed.
Universal Power Plug
Connected to a universal IEC cable, your charger will be supplied with the right plug for your location.
  • Weight (kgs)
  • Colours
  • EAN
  • Impedance
    32 ohm
  • Power Source
    12v DC Power Adaptor
  • Type
This product is not compatible with:
Joe Silent Disco Headphones
Joe Silent Disco Headphones-USA and Canada
Bob Silent Disco Headphones
Bob Silent Disco Headphones-USA and Canada
Bob Bob Silent Disco Headphones - UK, Europe and ROW
Joe Silent Disco Headphones-UK, Europe and ROW
Bobbie Folding AAA Wireless RF Silent Disco Headphones
You may still order them if you are aware of this.

Need help choosing the right product? Call us on 0207 0603 653 Contact us